Sunday, November 20, 2011

If someone loses 37 to 40 pounds will there be loose flabby skin?

if she is 16 and not very fat(just chunky or chubby)???

If someone loses 37 to 40 pounds will there be loose flabby skin?
No, it should be fine. At that young of an age, your skin is still very elastic! It will shrink with you! If you were like 40, then there might be some loose skin, but you should be fine! I even know of over 40 year olds who lost over 50 lbs and didn't have excess skin. There is nothing to worry about as long as you lose it now, and not when you are much older! ~Good Luck~
Reply:Yes, there will be loose skin unless the person also exercised well while he/she was losing weight.
Reply:No not normally, exercise daily even if it is a few minutes a day.
Reply:depends on how fast the weight is lost and if the person is exercising
Reply:If you exercise it helps to be more toned but no its not very likly.
Reply:no shes pretty young so probably the skin will be fine i just recenly lost some weight and my skins not flabby their could be some stretch marks that appear more vivid because the skins elasticity was over stretched and now returning it back to how it should be often causes deepermore defined stretch marks but maybe not it depends on the person. it also depensd if shes chunky all over or just in one spot i.e if she has a huge belly and ur just trying to lose that it could be a lil loose but if the weights balanced all over the body then its better
Reply:no, especially if she exercises
Reply:Yeah, that is why it is good to exercise when dieting. I lost 52 lbs of baby fat after giving birth. It came of really quick. I exercised a lot. But, I still have some toning to do, still!
Reply:you meen you used to be fat and chunky hahahaha I love only weighing 120 and making fun of fat people
Reply:Most teens and children have very elastic skin, so if she loses it at a normal pace, then the skin should retract and not be flabby. It shouldn't look bad at all.
Reply:They will become their own batman cape.
Reply:i doubt it, but there may be stretchmarks.
Reply:No. There will be no loose flabby skin. Especially if she's 16. A good exercise regime will speed weight loss, tone muscle and increase metabolism. Think about it...a pound of fat burns 3 calories per day a pound of muscle burns 30!
Reply:i lost bout 50# around that age and I got flabby. a friend of mine lost alot and she didn't get flabby. the main difference was she excised a lot and i mainly dieted.
Reply:At an early age like this, you do have alot of elasticity in your skin. However a severe weight loss like that at ANY age will cause excess skin due to the fact that your body has made the changes to accommodate itself. Daily toning exercises will minimize the effects of the weight loss, but its best to accompany it with a healthy, "skin friendly" diet as well.
Reply:If she is chubby and she loses the weight the right way no it wont leave flabby skin. She must eat right to lose weight but also make sure she exercises, that way she is toning her skin.
Reply:yes,unless he or she exercises while loosing weight.why?
Reply:Nothing to do with age, it depends on the skin type, I know wome who have been huge during pregnancy in their late 30's , yet have no stretch marks or loose skin.

Also know young girls who have lost just 15kilos or been pregnant and have lots of loose skin and stretch marks

Hopefully your young and have enough collegen in ur skin for it to shrink back

The important thing is that u get fit and healthy, thats more important than what ur skin will be like

Dont be freaked out by the shows on TV that show people with all that loose flesh after losing weight, they all have lost a lot more than 40lbs

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