Saturday, July 24, 2010

If you are obesse and loose waight with exercises, Do you loose allyour loose skin?

the skin should shrink with your body.

the only time skin will just hang there is if you were sooo big the skin lost the elasticity.. or you lost a large amount of weight too fast.

If you are obesse and loose waight with exercises, Do you loose allyour loose skin?
no, you'll sag. SAGGGGERRRR!!!!
Reply:You lose credibility and job offers when you misspell obese, weight, and lose.
Reply:You would have to lose over 200 lbs. to experiance a real problem with this. I lost over 100 lbs. at one point and after a few moonths your skin adjusts. It helps to put on muscle in place of the fat to if you are really worried about it.
Reply:Depending on your determination which WILL lead you to success. if you exercise and eat Healthy and use cocoa butter lotion i have every confidence in you. But you need to increase your exercises slowly so that your body has enough time to get the stalastic (spell) back in your skin.

this is a time and effort situation good luck???
Reply:if you are OBESE and LOSE WEIGHT with exercise, the amount of loose skin you have will depend on a number of factors.

1.Your age: The younger you are, the more elastic your skin. The more elastic your skin, the more able it is to shrink with your new frame.

2.How long you've been the size you are. If you've been obese for 40 years vs. 2 years, it will be harder for your skin to shrink down.

3.How much you need to lose. Obese is a bit general of a will be easier for your skin to shrink if you're 30 pounds overweight vs 200 pounds.

4.How quickly you lose it. If you lose the weight too quickly, your skin won't be able to keep up with your weight loss. It's best to shoot for losing 1-2 pounds a week, unless you're like 100 pounds overweight, then you can probably lose it faster.

5. Whether or not you're exercising. The more muscle you build, the less loose skin you'll have because your muscles will help to pull the skin in and hold onto it.
Reply:sometimes it will stay loose, but try to keep your skin moisturized and don't get discouraged. if it's really bad, expecially in the stomach area, surgeries are available:)

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