Tuesday, August 17, 2010

How does a 16 yr old prevent loose skin when loseing weight about 37 pounds up to 40 pounds ?

(if she is not extremely fat just chunky/chubby)

How does a 16 yr old prevent loose skin when loseing weight about 37 pounds up to 40 pounds ?
Exercise , and lose the weight slowly .
Reply:Your best bet is to get a set of weights and start lifting weights,

the loose skin turns to pure muscle, lift every other day

though or u will get muscle aches.
Reply:there's a cream available in the market called 'streach nil' which will help you avoid streach marks while loosing weight.
Reply:i don't think that you would really have loose skin because she is so young the skin should bounce back.
Reply:The key to making the skin shrink back with your weight is exercise. Lifting weights, toning your muscle will help with flabby skin.
Reply:Loose skin DOES NOT turn into muscle!

You DO NOT get stretch marks while losing weight! Stretch marks come from GAINING weight! Still, you already have stretch marks from the weight, the cream might not be a bad idea either.

Your skin should be subtle enough to adjust to the weight loss easily, you're only 16 and not really over weight.

The weight training suggested, however, is a good idea.

Start slow so you don't hurt yourself and get discouraged. Less weight and more reps is what you're after if you want to tone and lose the weight.


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